B103 - B104
Single lever / dual action control to operate both throttle and shift.
Suitable for any type of boats with outboard, inboard or I/O power plants.
Enables easy and safe shifting by preventing accidental gear engagement unless
engine is idling
Made of chrome plated marine aluminum
Pull-out handle disengages shift for warm-up
Neutral safety switch X43 - 38160 L (optional) prevents in-gear starting
Built-in friction to avoid throttle creep
For use with C2, C8 and CO Ultraflex engine control cables
B103 - 37923 K Your Price $288.00
Single lever control for one engine.
B104 - 37924 L Your
Price $465.00
Twin lever control for two engines.
Your Price $301.00
Single lever control for one engine w/ chrome knobs
Your Price $497.00
Twin lever control for two engines w/ chrome knobs
- Compact single lever controls offering a unique low profile
style compared to other controls available on the market
- Enables easy and safe shifting by preventing accidental gear
engagement unless engine is idling
- Made of aluminum, chrome plated or powder coat finish
- Push in button disengages shift for warm up
- Neutral safety switch X12 - (optional) prevents
in-gear starting
- For use with all Ultraflex control cables except C4:
-C14 and MACH 14 require no kit
-for C2,C8 and MACHZero cables the connection kit K59
is included
-C5,C16 and MACH5 cables require K60 Kit
-C36 and MACH36 cable require K62 Kit
-C22 cables require K61 Kit
B301CR Single lever for one engine, chrome plated.
B302CR Twin lever for two engines, chrome plated.
X75 Silver knob (optional) $15.00 each
B301B Single lever for one engine, Black dome, chrome plated
B302B Twin lever for two engines, Black dome, chrome plated lever.
X75 Silver knob (optional) $15.00 each
B65 - B76 - B66 - B74 - B79
Single lever / dual action control to operate both throttle and shift.
Suitable for any type of boats with outboard, inboard or I/O power plants.
Enables easy and safe shifting by preventing accidental gear engagement unless
engine is idling
Made of marine aluminum, chrome plated or powder coat finish
Pull-out handle disengages shift for warm-up
Neutral safety switch X12 - 34543Q (optional) prevents in-gear starting
Power trim switch conveniently located in the handle
grip enables for easy tilting of the engine
For use with all Ultraflex engine control cables except C22 or C4.
Ultraflex C5 and C16 cables require K35 kit - 34730 U
B65 - 34731 V Your Price
Single lever control for one engine, chrome plated.
B76 - 35312 E Your Price $303.00
Single lever control for one engine, chrome plated, w/ trim.
B66 - 34732 W
Your Price
Twin lever control for two engines, chrome plated.
B78 - 35314 G
Your Price $497.00
Twin lever control for two engines, chrome plated, w/ trim.
B73 -35007 U Your Price $214.00
Single lever control for one engine, black dome, chrome plated lever.
B77 - 35313 F
Your Price $283.00
Single lever control for one engine, black dome, chrome plated lever, w/ trim.
B74 - 35008 B Your Price $376.00
Twin lever control for two engines, black dome, chrome plated lever.
B79 - 35315 H Your
Price $465.00
Twin lever control for two engines, black dome, chrome plated lever, w/ trim.
B183 - B185 -
Single lever / dual action control to operate both throttle and shift.
Suitable for any type of boats with outboard, inboard or I/O power plants.
Enables easy and safe shifting by preventing accidental gear engagement unless
engine is idling
Can be installed horizontally or vertically, on the starboard or port side of the
The lever assembly is made of painted marine aluminum
Provided with a brake tension release system adjustable from outside
Pull-out handle disengages shift for warm-up
Neutral safety switch X12 - 34543 Q (optional) prevents in-gear starting
All models are provided with positive lock-in neutral to prevent accidental gear
B84 model is provided with a power trim switch conveniently located in the handle
grip that enables for
easy tilting of the engine
For use with all Ultraflex engine control cables except C22 or C4.
Ultraflex C5 and C16 cables require K35 - 34730 U
connection kit
B183 - 35460 P
Your Price $172.00
Provided with a positive lock-in neutral.
B184 - 34734 Y Your
Price $199.00
Provided with a positive lock-in neutral and trim switch
B184-M Mercruiser- 34734 Y/Merc
Your Price $208.00
Provided with a positive lock-in neutral and trim switch.
includes K35 adaptor kit for Mercruiser cables
B85 - 35682 I
Your Price $190.00
Standard model, smooth design for use on sailboats.
Provided with a positive lock-in neutral.
B89 - B90
Single lever / dual action control to operate both throttle and shift.
Suitable for any type of boats with outboard, inboard or I/O power plants.
Enables easy and safe shifting by preventing accidental gear engagement unless
engine is idling
Can be installed horizontally or vertically, on the starboard or port side of the
Made of painted marine aluminum
Pull-out handle disengages shift for warm-up
Neutral safety switch X12 - 34543 Q (optional) prevents in-gear starting
Provided with a positive lock-in neutral to prevent accidental gear engagement
For use with all Ultraflex engine control cables except C22 or C4.
Ultraflex C5 and C16 cables require K35 - 34730U connection kit.
To connect C14 cable to engine, use K51 - 32526N connection kit.
B89 - 36151 G
Your Price $189.00
Ivory finish with positive lock-in neutral.
B90 - 36152 H Black finish with positive lock-in neutral. Your
Price $189.00
B99 - B100 - B101 - B102
Two lever / single action control: each lever operates
separately either the throttle or shift.
Suitable for use with outboard, inboard or I/O power plants.
All the four versions are provided with the shift lever
detents and with a brake tension release system adjustable from the outside of the
throttle lever
Neutral safety switch X12 - 34543 Q (optional) prevents in-gear starting
Their design makes them suitable for exposed positions such as flying bridge
For use with Ultraflex C2, C7, C8 and CO engine control cables.
Ultraflex C22 cable requires K32 - 34662 Z connection kit.
B99 - 36854 N - throttle & shift. Black with chrome levers
Your Price
B99T - 36938 S - throttle only. Black with chrome levers
Your Price
B99S - 36896 B - shift only. Black with chrome levers
Your Price $324.00
B100S - 36897 C - shift only. Sport black painted Your
Price $315.00
B101 - 36856 P - throttle and shift. White painted
Your Price $31500
B101T - 36942 M - throttle only. White painted
Your Price $315.00
B101S - 36898 F - shift only. White painted Your
Price $315.00
B102 - 36899 G - throttle and shift. Black painted Your
Price $315.00
B102T - 36992 A - throttle only. Black painted
Your Price $315.00
B102S - 36900 C - shift only. Black painted
Your Price $315.00
B46 - B58
Two lever / single action control: each lever operates separately either the throttle
or shift.
Suitable for use with outboard, inboard or I/O power plants.
Flush mount design makes them suitable for exposed positions such as flying
Made of marine aluminum with chrome plated lever
Throttle lever is provided with adjustable brake tension release system and shift
lever with forward, reverse and neutral detents. Both the brake tension release and
detents can be installed and adjusted from the outside.
Neutral safety switch X12 - 34543 Q (optional) prevents in-gear starting
Available with straight or bent levers
B58 and B59 models are provided with an interlock kit to prevent accidental gear
For use with Ultraflex C2, C7, C8 and CO engine control cables.
Ultraflex C22 cable requires K22 - 34713Q connection kit.
B46 - 34461 P - throttle and shift
Your Price
B46T - 34462 Q - throttle only
Your Price $238.00
B46S - 34463 R - shift only
Your Price $238.00
B58R - 34570 W - throttle and shift. With interlock. Right hand installation
Price $238.00
B58L - 34716 T - throttle and shift. With interlock. Left hand installation
Your Price
B50 - 34464 S - throttle and shift Your
B50T - 34465 T - throttle only Your
Price $238.00
B50S - 34466 U - shift only
Price $238.00
B59R - 34571 X - throttle and shift. With interlock. Right hand installation
Your Price $238.00
B59L - 34717 U - throttle and shift. With interlock. Left hand installation
Your Price $238.00
B203 - B204 - B207 - B208
Two lever / single action control: each lever operates separately either the throttle
or shift.
Suitable for use with outboard, inboard or I/O power plants.
Flush mount design makes them suitable for exposed positions such as flying
Levers structure made of die cast zinc provided with a soft thermoplastic
ergonomically handgrip
Adjustable brake to avoid throttle creep and positive detent for shift
Adjustable ratchet for precise throttle operation obtained applying to the gas
lever the optional kit K52 - 37382 B
Neutral safety switch X12 - 34543 Q (optional) prevents in-gear starting
Racked throttle handle and straight gear handle for a better maneuvering
B204 and B208 models are provided with an interlock kit to prevent accidental gear
For use with Ultraflex C2, C7, C8 and CO engine control cables.
Ultraflex C22 cable requires K22 - 34713Q connection kit.
Black painted control with black soft hand grip:
B203T - 37380 Z - throttle only
B203S - 37381 A - shift only
Your Price $250.00
B203R - 37378 A - throttle and shift. Right hand installation
Your Price $250.00
B203L - 37379 B - throttle and shift. Left hand installation
Your Price
B204R - 37383 C - throttle and shift. With interlock. Right hand installation
Your Price $250.00
B204L - 37384 D - throttle and shift. With interlock. LH
Your Price
Left hand installation
White painted control with gray soft hand grip:
B207T - 37652 A - throttle only Your
Price $250.00
B207S - 37653 B - shift only Your
Price $250.00
B207R - 37650 Y - throttle and shift. Right hand installation
Your Price $25400
B207L - 37651 Z - throttle and shift. Left hand installation
Your Price $254.00
B208R - 37654 C - throttle and shift. With interlock. Right hand installation
Your Price $254.00
B208L - 37655 D - throttle and shift. With interlock. Left hand installation
Your Price $254.00
Suitable for all outboard engines.
Made of nylon fiberglass with anodized aluminum levers
Left or right side mount installation
For use with Ultraflex engine control cables:
- C14 with K23 - 32773D connection kit (1979 to date OMC)
- C4 with K24 - 32774E connection kit (Pre 1979 OMC)
- C2, C7,C8 and CO with K25 - 32775F connection kit (3300 type cable)
- C5 without connection kit ( Merc cables)
B47 - 32770 A - Light gray finish
Your Price $115.00
B49 - 33283 S - Black finish
Your Price
Flush side mount installation.
Particularly suitable for throttle control and hydraulic shift operation.
Provided with adjustable brake tension release and detents.
For use with Ultraflex C2, C7, C8 and CO engine control cables
B35 - 32386 A
Your Price $76.00
Connection kits for different cables
K22 Kit to connect C22 cable to B46,
B50, B203 & B204
K23 Kit to connect C14 Cable to B47,& B49
K24 Kit to connect C4 Cable to B47 & B49
K25 Kit to connect C2, C7 & C8 cable to B47 &
$ 9.00
K32 Kit to connect C22 cable to B99, B100, B101, &
B102 controls
K33 Kit to connect C22 cable to B103 & B104
K35 Kit to connect C5 & C16 cables to single lever
side mount controls
K51 Kit to connect C14 cable to
$ 6.00
L25 Clevis used with B99-B100-B46-B50 for dual stations
$ 14.00 |